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Bangalore, India
I am an Oracle Certified Professional working in SAP Labs. Everything written on my blog has been tested on my local environment, Please test before implementing or running in production. You can contact me at amit.rath0708@gmail.com.

Monday, July 1, 2013

How to create a user or schema in Oracle

User or schema is a description of data in the database. It consists of all database objects related to a particular user. Schema is a collection of logical structures including tables,views,procedures,functions etc. 

A user in a database owns a schema . User and Schema have the same name. Create User Command creates a user, it automatically creates the schema for that user. 

Regarding creation of schema you need a tablespace where your user can store its objects.

Create a Tablespace for a user :-

SQL> select name from v$datafile;


SQL> create tablespace amit datafile 'C:\APP\AMIT.RATH\ORADATA\ORCL\amit01.dbf' size 10m;

Command to create a user :-

1. Create a user having tablespace as default tablespace of database and temporary tablespace as default temporary tablespace of database.

SQL> create user amit identified by amit;

User created.

2. Create a user having different tablespsace as default tablespace of database and different temporary tablespace as default temporary tablespace of database.

SQL> create user amit identified by amit default tablespace test temporary tablespace temporary quota unlimited on test;         ---------- unlimited quota on test tablespace

SQL> create user amit identified by amit default tablespace test temporary tablespace temporary quota 100m on test;               ----------- 100m quota on test tablespace

3. Create a user by assigning a profile other than default profile of database :-

SQL> create user amit identified by amit default tablespace test temporary tablespace temporary quota unlimited on test profile AMIT_PROF; 

Providing Grants to a user :-

SQL> grant connect,resource to amit;

Now your user is ready to connect to database.

I hope this article helped you.

Amit Rath


  1. The best thing about your blog is simplicity..You mention things simply without being too technical..
